- 144, El Alam Street, Horsh Kfoury, Badaro, Beirut.
- (00961) 1 382610
- aep@inco.com.lb
a) Emmaüs International Assembly in Uruguay: three representatives of the AEP (Camille Chedid, Lara Hassoun and Antoine Zamroud) attended the 14th Word Assembly, from May 9th to 12th, 2022, in Uruguay, alongside 286 others representing 262 groups. Following five days of debates and workshops, eleven resolutions were adopted, along the following lines:
I. To strengthen the movement – by attending and engaging
II. To tackle the causes of poverty – by resisting
III. To bring out heritage to life – by communicating
b) The President of AEP, Camille Chedid, was elected Secretary General of Emmaüs International.
c) The AEP participated in all international and regional meetings of the Executive Committees and the Board of Directors of E.I., regarding interalia the implementation of World Assembly resolutions.
d) The Board Meeting of Asian Directors will take place at AEP in April 2023. Emmaüs International representatives of Lebanon, India and Bangladesh will attend, to agree upcoming events for the year.
- Emmaüs Asia Regional Board Meeting in Lebanon
- Emmaüs International – General Assembly
- Emmaüs Solidarity Fund – Food Aid support
- FDF Project: A helping hand for green fingers
- Geo-Expansion Aid Project
- Food Aid Support funded by Foundation Abbe Pierre (FAP):
- Tony Malkan: Carpenter , North Lebanon
- Restoration and payment waiver after the Blast
- Meeting EI Asia region
- Workcamp Pereira, COLOMBIA
- USAID-Fintech Project
- Brainstorming weekend: (Board and Executive team)
- The award for 2019 best borrower in the YMCA and City Group prize
- Workshop and Consultation
- Convivial Day
- Haytham el Omar
- Annual General Meeting 2017
- AEP and Chocolatier
- USAID: always something new...
- YMCA 2016
- Meeting of Regional Teams 2016
- Lebanese Microfinance Association
- AEP and LIM
- Gift from DIAGEO
- San Zeno in Lebanon
- Grégoire Haddad
- Kiosks in Tripoli
- Financing of the San Zeno Foundation (Italy)