- 144, El Alam Street, Horsh Kfoury, Badaro, Beirut.
- (00961) 1 382610
- aep@inco.com.lb
The award for 2019 best borrower in the YMCA and City Group prize was granted to four of AEP’s beneficiaries in different regions and sectors:
1 – Nawal Taleb: Owner of bungalows and restaurant in West Beqaa, 2.000U$.
2 – Carla Yazagi: Owner of ‘‘Rent a Bike’’ in Broumana, 2.000U$.
3 – Ali Hammoud: Agribusiness in Akkar, 1.000U$.
4 – Haytham Fodda: Carpenter, Tripoli, 1.000U$.
- Emmaüs Asia Regional Board Meeting in Lebanon
- Emmaüs International – General Assembly
- Emmaüs Solidarity Fund – Food Aid support
- FDF Project: A helping hand for green fingers
- Geo-Expansion Aid Project
- Food Aid Support funded by Foundation Abbe Pierre (FAP):
- Tony Malkan: Carpenter , North Lebanon
- Restoration and payment waiver after the Blast
- Meeting EI Asia region
- Workcamp Pereira, COLOMBIA
- USAID-Fintech Project
- Brainstorming weekend: (Board and Executive team)
- The award for 2019 best borrower in the YMCA and City Group prize
- Workshop and Consultation
- Convivial Day
- Haytham el Omar
- Annual General Meeting 2017
- AEP and Chocolatier
- USAID: always something new...
- YMCA 2016
- Meeting of Regional Teams 2016
- Lebanese Microfinance Association
- AEP and LIM
- Gift from DIAGEO
- San Zeno in Lebanon
- Grégoire Haddad
- Kiosks in Tripoli
- Financing of the San Zeno Foundation (Italy)