- 144, El Alam Street, Horsh Kfoury, Badaro, Beirut.
- (00961) 1 382610
- aep@inco.com.lb
Most Lebanese are struggling daily, due to inflation and acute shortages of fuel, electricity, medicine and water; requiring emergency assistance for access to such basic needs. A food crisis has become acutely worse in recent months, amid rising fuel prices and the devaluation of the Lebanese currency. Increasing unemployment and skyrocketing inflation have contributed to widespread poverty and the inevitable lack of food security for families and their children. Urgent aid is desperately required. Eighty families throughout the country have received significant support from Emmaüs International as a result of the 2022 Solidarity Project. A huge thanks to all who contributed so generously to enable so many households to survive during this difficult period.
- Emmaüs Asia Regional Board Meeting in Lebanon
- Emmaüs International – General Assembly
- Emmaüs Solidarity Fund – Food Aid support
- FDF Project: A helping hand for green fingers
- Geo-Expansion Aid Project
- Food Aid Support funded by Foundation Abbe Pierre (FAP):
- Tony Malkan: Carpenter , North Lebanon
- Restoration and payment waiver after the Blast
- Meeting EI Asia region
- Workcamp Pereira, COLOMBIA
- USAID-Fintech Project
- Brainstorming weekend: (Board and Executive team)
- The award for 2019 best borrower in the YMCA and City Group prize
- Workshop and Consultation
- Convivial Day
- Haytham el Omar
- Annual General Meeting 2017
- AEP and Chocolatier
- USAID: always something new...
- YMCA 2016
- Meeting of Regional Teams 2016
- Lebanese Microfinance Association
- AEP and LIM
- Gift from DIAGEO
- San Zeno in Lebanon
- Grégoire Haddad
- Kiosks in Tripoli
- Financing of the San Zeno Foundation (Italy)