- 144, El Alam Street, Horsh Kfoury, Badaro, Beirut.
- (00961) 1 382610
- aep@inco.com.lb
Expert in homemade preserves
Originally from Saraaine in the Bekaa region, Amal Hazimeh is a 57-year-old mother. An excellent cook, she sells her own preserves, such as stuffed grape leaves, pickled eggplants, pepper molasses, and jams, all of which are highly appreciated by her clients. To finance the glass bottles and jars needed for packaging her specialties, she borrowed $500 from AEP. The loan allowed her to expand her production to include vegetable oils, which, unlike preserves, are not seasonal products and so can provide her with a steady income. She now works from home and sells her products at local markets in the area.