- 144, El Alam Street, Horsh Kfoury, Badaro, Beirut.
- (00961) 1 382610
- aep@inco.com.lb
Trade: Baker
Location: Zahlé
Solange is married and the mother of two young children. Three years ago she opened a snack bar on the main street of Zahle. In order to improve and decorate the site, AEP lent her $4,000. However a large company opened up next door, causing acute parking problems and blocking access to customers of the snack bar! Sales became difficult as her clientele, previously numerous, diminished.
Solange found herself forced to change direction and invest in a bakery, for which there was a need in the neighborhood. She prepares consumables on-site, for direct sale or home delivery. She is also in demand for large orders and has reconnected with her large clientele.
Solange is justly proud of her flexibility and our loans allowed her to stand up to her difficulties and become a model of small business success.